Talking about the world

Create playlists and curate your music

I used to just add and add tons of music on my playlist, in Spotify they don't have a limit, so I would end up with a 4 hour playlist just to only play 30 minutes of it. As time passed, my library was full of old playlists I've rarely listened to.

I come acrossed a video on youtube that talked about curating your music and creating playlists, I found it eye opening. They said playlist have to have a porpouse and a theme, something that connects all the songs together. After that I've been trying to curate my music creating new playlists and deleting old ones. Still my music library isn't perfect of course, but now I actually listen to these new playlists and that makes my day better.

Curating your music isn't easy, but if you want to have a strong connection with music I think it's essencial for you to think about it and select what you truly like or want to listen to. Create a playlist with intention, Do you want a playlist for going on a walk? take songs that fit the mood and keep your energy up, pick the exact amount for that walk time, not more not less. It will take time and effort, but that's what will make the playlist special and worth listening to.
