Talking about the world

How do you have a crush?

This topic has been on my mind for a long time. I see people saying they have a crush on some guy or girl and I would just think, why? and how? How is that you can like someone if you don't know them well enough or even talk to them?

Romance feels like another world for me, kinda like a fantasy book. It's nice and fun in fiction but I don't really search for it in my life. Some people say that they feel nervous around their crush, they stalk their social media accounts and can't stop thinking about that person, things I've never experienced before. Yea, I' ve never had a crush.

I often am in my own bubble and it is hard for me to connect with other people. All my life the thought of dating someone never crossed my mind and now that I'm thinking seriously about it, I don't know if I want to.

People describe a crush as something your heart dictates, something spontaneous, that leads me to think that if I have to think too much about it it's probably not a crush. Being at my age (22) I started to question my orientation and found out the word aromantic, it describes me well but I don't want to use it yet, because I'm still young and don't have a lot of experience in life in general. I try to keep an open mind and take things at my own time.

I always describe my lack of interest for a romantic relationship as that to other people and I don't think I have to give more details about it, even though aromantic is a nice word to describe me, it's easier for me to say that I'm not looking for a romantic relationship right now.

I think I like romantic media because it's a feeling I haven't experienced, intriguings me.
