Talking about the world

I code more now than when I was in College

Recently I was creating my portafolio, since I finished college a couple of months ago and now I have to prepare myself to find a job. I still have a lot to learn so I've been working on personal projects, learning frameworks and taking online courses. While checking my github I realized I've been coding more than I ever did when I was in school, even though I was studying software engineering.

This makes sense since I have more free time to do what I want to do and what I want to learn. In school I didn't have enough time to learn something new by myself or didn't have the energy after working on a school project. I would get sick of coding since I wasn't passionate about those projects. Working with people that didn't do their work didn't help either, so after all that when vacations came, I did nothing of coding or studying.

I don't mean that College was bad, because I did learn a lot of things and without college I don't think I would have enough discipline to learn all the bassic by myself, but I wish they would have give me more flexibility to work on projects that are more interesting to me.

After this time working on personal projects, I found myself enjoying coding again, coding never felt like a hobby since I started because of school, but now it feels like one more of my hobbies and I'm happy for that.
