Talking about the world

I think I like to organize everything

Recently I noticed that I like organizing a lot of things. When I was in school I was the kind of person that would have the plans for the week noted on the calendar with the things I had to do.

I tend to organize aplications I use often. In youtube for example, I have lots of playlist in which I organize the content I find interesting, fun or usefull. The music that I listen to Is also organized in playlists carefully put into folders. And also my notes now have tags where I can save them as blog ideas, short writing ideas, lyrics and poems.

Oh I forgot about my bookmarks in the browser. I have plenty of folders too, this is not as perfectly organized but still ok.

I thinks this is the result of having a lot of information acumulated, I just can't have a tons of note spreading as they please in my Google keep, eventually I needed some kind of system to find important notes and things I want to come back later.

So I think that when some ideas are important to me, I carefully take the time to save them in a good place.
