Talking about the world

I thought poetry was "too intellectual" for me

Around middle school and Highschool I used to read a lot of books, mostly sci-fi, fantasy and drama, never thought about poetry and at the time, for me it felt cheesy and even boring. Then, one day I watched this animated movie named "Words bubble up like soda pop" where the main character writes Haikus (a form of japanese poetry) and I entered a whole new world. I was so impressed by how you can write words in that beautiful way.

After watching that movie I decided to give poetry a chance, I started to read and write. I made google docs and would write almost every day one short poem. It's liberating to let your thoughts go. It's therapeutic.

Reading poetry is an aswome experience, people can express feelings in such unique ways that is overwelming sometimes. Often I have this sensation when I read a great poem, the feeling of natural perfection, it's like all words were meant to be together.

I think a lot of people have prejudices about poetry, as I mentioned before I was one of those people, but then I realized there are a lot of types and many creative people that keep coming up with new ways of writing poetry. It's okay if you explore and don't like it, but if you're just scared that poetry is "too intellectual" for you, well let me tell you that is not. It's not pretentious art, it's just art.

In my opinion, everyone can write poetry, would it be good? That's subjective, people can like it or not, but at the end of the day if you write with pure intention and try to convey feelings, there could be someone out there who would relate to that. I have a poem that talks about this "The human instinct".

For writing I know there are a lot of forms and rules, but honestly I don't know or follow many of them. It's nice to learn but I don't think you have to be obsessive over rules, after all it's your poem and thoughts you want to express. At least for me, I decided that I'll use forms as a tool and nothing more.