Talking about the world

Is life that complicated?

I often think that I make things more difficult for myself, I get obsessed with doing things in a specific way or I get stuck in a loop of thoughts. Then the question that always gets me out of this is "is life that complicated?", I ask myself, are you sure you can just do this and don't worry about it anymore?. Often the answer is yes.

Many times I'd make myself walk through a rough road instead of taking the new and easy one. It's like I would want to torture myself for some reason. And why? Maybe it's because I like big challenges, so the easy path feels like I'm losing something: the opportunity to proove myself to the world.

Once I realized this I try to look in more directions, obviously I still have biases and a challenge is always welcome, but I try to take more care of myself and step back when that "challenge" is hurting me emotionally or physically.

So when you feel like having a hard time, ask yourself "Is life that complicated or you're making it complicated?" Letting go of some things is amazingly hard, I know it, I've lived it, but sometimes isn't worth all the pain you have to put through. It's not worth keeping everything to yourself to not worry others, it's not worth it being in toxic relationships, it's not worth it sacrificing your sleep for work or studies.
