Talking about the world

Listening music at night hits diffrerent

Maybe it's because at night I tend to feel more nostalgic and start overthinking, but when I listen to music at night, especially at midnight it has a diffrerent feeling to it.

I don't intend to listen to a lot of music at night but if a good song starts playing I would think "just one more song" and this ends up in a whole another hour. I think there is something satisfying that makes listen music at night a great experience for me, one of my theories are

  1. There is complete silence so I can apreciate every detail of a song and nobody is going to interrupt me.
  2. At the end of the day I'm tired, so music is comforting for my brain, like drinking a cup of hot tea when it’s cold.

I know that stayin up late is bad, but when I do it because of music I don't feel so bad about it. Sometimes it even helps me to sleep better.

#life #music