Talking about the world

Music saves my live

I always thought music is a core part of my life, I started listening seriously to music in elementary school, that was the time when I started to search for new artist and new music that I would enjoy, not only listening what people around me listened to. Since then music have kept me company and now it's like an old friend, always there for me.

I listen to music when I cook, when I work on projects, when I excercise, or just for cheer up myself. Right now? I'm listening too. I think music is a really powerfull tool, because it can make you feel better, can help you focus on your work or hype you up when you need to run your daily kilometers.

As an artistic form, I'm fascinated about the fact that music can also express feelings and share thoughts that people can relate to. People then create communities to talk about their favorites artists and songs, they start listening or even making music together.

Personally, I love being a nerd over music topic with other people, it's fun to see how everyone enjoy (or not) certain songs, as well as getting songs recommendations. That kind of connections have made my relationships with friends and family feel more close and personal.

Music brings me hope for the future, when I'm having a bad day I would think "at least I can still enjoy music". I often get excited by my favorites artist new music, It gives me something to look forward and when I finally listen to that new album or song I'd feel a genuine happiness that only few things can give me.

This is why I think music saves my live, I know it sounds kinda cliché but it's the truth, at least for me music is a very special thing.
