Talking about the world

Talking about bands

I’m still pretty rusty at writing anything. I used to write poetry often, but now I barely write anything. I don’t know why it is so hard for me to even think of a title for a post. The words don’t write themselves as they used to be. But I think I won’t care about this anymore, since this is just a space for me to let my thoughts out. So…today I’ll be talking about bands.

I’ve always admired all kinds of bands, jazz bands and rock bands are my favorites. Watching people playing together in harmony connecting with the music feels like magic to me. Since I was a kid I dreamed about being in a band, joining a music club and making friends through music. I would play by myself in my room thinking about how fun it would be to play with someone else, not for the purpose of being famous or anything like that, I only wanted to experience the joy of creating music together. I still dream about that while I watch live performances of my favorite bands.

There are a lot of reasons why I love music from bands, first of all, each band has its unique sound and flavor. I know people take inspiration from other artists, but the best part is that they twist that inspiration into something new (that’s why I like watching covers too but I’ll talk about it another time) some bands more than others but still cool.

Second I like the idea of jamming, specially on jazz bands where there is a lot of improvisation, the musicians let themselves experimenting with sounds and feels very free and natural, that’s why every time they jam you are listen to new music that is inspire by the vibe, emotions and thoughts they´re having at the moment. Not only jazz bands have improvisation of course, there are a lot of other genres and that’s another point I like about bands.

Bands exist in a variety of genres, members and musical instruments. This is an extension of the first point, since every combination of these three elements contributes to the uniqueness of the band. Every person plays and sings differently so even if a band plays the same song, it sounds different. There are also live variations that take place in concerts, often I sit and watch live clips of my favorite bands because of this, it is very entertaining to watch the band playing on stage, communicating with the audience and making slight changes to the songs that makes the music even more special.

My ultimate favorite type of bands are rock bands. I grew up with rock music and I lisen to rock music almost evey day. I think the combination of drums, guitar and bass is really solid and for me quite perfect. Rock has aspects I like about: the fast tempo, diffrerents rythms of the drums, guitar riffs and solos, a solid bass that keeps all together and loud voices sometimes with a grunge in it. The essence of rebellion and revolution is also another thing I like.

Finally I’ll list my favorite bands at the moment:
