Talking about the world

Technology affects our lives

Tech has grown a lot in the past couple of decades and now with the rise of AI I think the growth will be exponential from here. Since I'm preparing to work in the technology field I realize more and more that technology impacts a lot in people's lives. Now everyone has a smarthphone, everyone can comunicate with everyone and you can learn everything, but obviously not all have a positive impact in our lives.

We are now heavily connected to thecnology and some are even addicted to it. Simple things like remembering the phone of a friend it's difficult. I find myself forgetting my own phone number sometimes and have to quickly check if the digits are right on my Whatsapp profile.

If companies start to add AI to everything like many aplications have done right now I fear we'll eventually lose a lot of critical thinking, just going with what the AI tells us because it's the most convinient (it sounds very sci-fi, but I think is very possible considering how the internet has impacted us already).

Lately I've watched a lot of videos of people going back to using a flip phone, and what they say is that they didn't lose more than the convinience. I can understand that since I didn't have a smarthphone untill the end of high school and didn't have many problems. But as I grew up everyone used it, I had to join Whatsapp groups for college, take pictures and scan QR codes, so eventually I bought a smartphone too. Because of this sometimes I feel like we adapt to technology intead of the other way around.

There is, of course, the good side of techology. I've watched a lot of amazing projects that helps people, for example an editor for blind people called AVscript or these gloves that translates sign lenguage: SignAloud. I hope the future of technology would follow this path of helping people who need it and make people's lives better, not just "more convenient or comfortable".
