Talking about the world

The excitement of discovering a new blog

I really like exploring and discovering new blogs, I often go to the discovery page of bearblog to try and find new interesting post and blogs. It's very fun see how everyone has a diffrerent blog theme, the colors, type of letter, the sections on the navegation bar, etc.

Since I'm still new to blogging I get inspired by others blogs, the form they write or the content of every about page or home page. Sometimes they have other unique sections like the "Now" section I've seen in a few blogs now and that makes me want to try something similar or that creates new ideas I want to try out. Because of this I keep changing the style of my blog and I think it will continue evolving.

There are a lot of different types of blogs and that makes it more exciting to explore them. I've seen people writing about tech stuff, their daylife and even a blog dedicated just to poems, ¿What would I find next?.