Talking about the world

The fear of school presentations

All my school life I've been scared of school presentations, I would always get super nervious and my mind would go completely blind sometimes. Very often I would forget what I just said, like my brain suffered some kind of extreme stress and decide to erase all those memories.

People said: "just practice more" or "you'll get used to it", but the time passed and I don't see much difference. I think in college I got better at presentations but the fear and anxious feeling didn't go away, the only good part it's that I "appeared" to be less nervious.

I'm trying little by little to accept the fact that I can't control whether I feel nervous or not, the only thing I can do is push though that feeling even though it feels exhausting. Thanfully school presentations are usually short, so I tried to remind myself nerviousness will only last a few minutes.

I'm not in college anymore and not having school presentations is one of the biggest relieves.

#life #school