Talking about the world

The odyssey of having lots of hobbies

I have many hobbies, sometimes I think even too many of them, but I can't help picking up new things because I think I fell in love with learning. I really enjoy every phase of learning new things: being a beginnner, suffering through a big challenge and getting better and better every time.

The downside of all this is when I reach a certain level I'm left with the question, What to do next? then I get stuck and don't feel like improving at all. Hobbies are supposed to be fun and when this happends it feels like I'm pushing myself too much, like it was part of a school assigment. Eventually that hobby fades away, then I would pick a new hobby and start this cicle over and over again.

I feel guilty leaving some hobbies behind but at the same time I'm learning new things, my motivations change and I can force myself to do the things that I used to do.

The other day I found a video about multipotential people and it was very relatable. I've never had one big dream, I was and am curious about how much I can do and learn, so that dream question always bothered me. I thought I can't live from my hobbies, I can't convert them into a job becuase that would mean I can't explore them anymore. That's why since I was in highschool I decided to have a future with a commun job and protect my hobbies. Don't get me wrong, I like my career, but my hobbies complete the other half of my life and that balance is what I'm aiming for.
