Talking about the world

Why Go is my favorite board game

I discovered Go/baduk with AlphaGo documentary and I found it fascinating (it's an amazing documentary by the way). I inmediatly start learning and found it very fun.

I really like how the rules are so simple but at the same time, in the long run, the game gets more and more complex. It feels like onion layers, you descover one layer but there are more and more deeper layers to discover. I think it's a very unique game, so I can really compare with others out there. Chess is also about strategy, white and black pieces, but it is really different.

The way you play it it's very beautiful from my point of view, from the way you put stones on the board to the strategies involved. It's so interesting how Go proverbs like "the enemy's key point is yours" can also be used in real life since the game simulates war.

I love how you have the liberty to create a territory how you want, It gives a lot of room for creativity, there are countless of posibilities and every game is different. The fact that every stone is important make you get attached to you group and you feel the pressure to keep everyting alive, this makes the game more intense.

Every time I play I get really invested in the game, all my focus is there and helps my other tohughts go away. I would say that the stress from playing can overcome my real life stress, which is good, because both stress can go away after one match 😂.

It's a silence but nervebraking battle.